This will be your account name which you will use to login to services. Allowed characters are: letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and underscore (_). Your email address will be We suggest you use only lower case characters. You can use underscore character to create usernames such as eg. firstname_lastname.
This is the name that will be displayed in apps like cloud. It is usually same as username, but you are free to choose anything. (eg. "User Name")
The question below is just to verify you are a human. The answer must be on topic, and should be at least 150 chracters long. You can use any language you want, though we encourage you to use english Question:
This email will be used during the verification process and will be removed once the account is created.
Select if you want to keep the verification email as a future password reset option If you do not do that, you might not be able to reset password in the future!